Our Story

Finding a realtor to help us buy our dream home. A babysitter we could trust with our children. An investment advisor who gave honest, unbiased advice. For the biggest decisions in our life, we naturally trust the word of friends and peers we trust over marketing and anonymous reviews.

But what if this isn't available? The founders of MyCircle moved all over the world during our still young careers, often arriving in a new city and a new continent with few if any contacts or acquaintances to help guide us and share their experiences. We became all too familiar with the feeling of ‘well, here goes' when we took a big decision based on our own limited research rather than the word of a peer or friend. We knew that we weren't the only ones who felt this way, and to ensure we could find our community of trusted peers and colleagues with similar experiences, ambitions and needs, we decided to create MyCircle.

We are building MyCircle with the needs of our users first and foremost, and we are committed to always ensuring that above all it is useful and trustworthy for our community of core users. . Our hope is that when a future user finds herself in a new city as we did, that they make their difficult decisions with the confidence and support of her trusted MyCircle Community behind her.
